Monday, July 28, 2008

Videos of Sogyal Rinpoche Teaching

Before Ratu passed away he asked his good friends Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche and Sogyal Rinpoche to look after our Sangha if we required guidance. Traleg Rinpoche presided over Ratu's cremation ceremony, and Sogyal Rinpoche has undertaken the further training of Ratu's wife and consort, H.R.H. Princess Maitrie Vairocani Devi, a wonderful teacher in her own right. 

As I mentioned in a previous post, The Guru-Student Relationship in Vajrayana, if we want to progress on the path, we will need the guidance of a qualified teacher at some stage of our spiritual journey. I highly recommend finding one who can transmit the majesty and beauty of the Buddha's words, and breathe life into His teachings.

People in the West are often wary about joining "cults" or falling prey of unscrupulous charlatans who claim enlightenment. If this is a very real concern to you, find a copy of The Words of My Perfect Teacher, by Patrul Rinpoche. This classic book is recommended by the Dalai Lama and other senior Buddhist teachers. It includes a great chapter outlining the qualities of an authentic teacher of Dharma, who can be relied on to guide your spiritual education. 

No Lama will ever ask you to convert, since Buddhism is a study of the mind, not religion or belief in God. The Buddha's teachings are based on the Four Noble Truths, which is basically why we suffer, where suffering comes from, the end of suffering is possible and how to do it. You can take these teachings, especially the meditation practices, and apply it to your own faith.

Sogyal Rinpoche's book the Tibetan Book on Living and Dying was one of the first Buddhist books I read when I first began to practice. Click on this link to see this eloquent Lama give an introduction to meditation and explain the essence of the Buddhist teachings.

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