Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Lunar Effect

Astrologists believe that the alignment of the planets can govern our destinies. If that were completely true, enlightenment would not be possible in one lifetime. However, I do believe the dance of the cosmos can influence our character and affect our emotions. Our beautiful planet is made up of approximately 70% water. Our bodies contain approximately the same percentage in fluids. If the moon has the power to affect the planet’s tides then it seems completely plausible that it can influence a person’s “water”, which in many traditions is a symbol of emotions.

Balinese New Moon Ceremony on the Beach

Yesterday was the beginning of a New Moon, an auspicious time for Buddhists and Hindus alike. It is said the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and died on the Full Moon. Interestingly, every time I have felt agitated for no apparent reason, I ask myself where the moon is situated in the heavens and inevitably it's either a few days before or after a New or Full Moon. Then I simply relax to how I'm feeling to check if I'm really avoiding something within myself, or the moon's pull is affecting my emotions.

The moon's phases can greatly effect our emotions. Therefore it's important to be aware of her movements as she passes through the heavens.

In practicing meditation external forces can affect your internal balance if you are unaware. The same can be said about how you are feeling can affect the way you perceive the world. This is an example of the essence of the Second Noble Truth - that all suffering arises from one's mind. On a basic level, if it's too hot, we can become irritable. Conversely, if we are too cold we can feel depressed. The lunar phases can also affect the way we feel.

In the Balinese tradition, we celebrate the Full and Dark of the Moon by performing a puja, a ceremony where we come together as a community to meditate and make offerings to the Buddha, or divinity within us. It's a time to calm the mind, let go of problems and reflect on the kindness of others. It's also a time to celebrate the joy of being alive.

The puja offerings take the form of prostrations, chanting and physical objects like incense, candles, flowers, food and money. Each of these things have a symbolic meaning, which I hope to cover in future posts.

How To Use The Moon's Phases In Your Daily Life.

New Moon

Make a habit of asking for what you want with the birth of a new moon. Anything initiated on the new moon will grow rapidly, whether in business, relationships, and creative ventures. Therefore it is an opportune time for making wishes and new beginnings. Start that diet, quit smoking,  or begin that new project the day after the new moon.

First Quarter

This is a time of fertility & growth. Conception is easier during this period. Medically people bleed less. Gardeners use this period to sow seeds and plant new seedlings.

Full Moon

This is a period when emotions are highest and psychic energy reaches its peak. People are more agitated, aggressive and tend to drink more during this time. Insomnia is also more prevalent.

In Balinese culture, the people are encouraged to abstain from sexual intercourse during this period.

It’s a good time to plan the launching of creative, social or dramatic endeavours, which play on the emotions.

If you want to be successful in completing a diet, start the day after the full moon.

Last Quarter

The last quarter is a great time for letting go of emotions, old hurt and bad habits, and a good time to get your life in order in preparation for the new moon.

It is also period for looking after ourselves.

Gardeners use this time to weed and cull, as it is a perfect time to retard the growth of something. In South East Asia hardwood trees are never cut down during this lunar phase because sap rises attracting wood boring Deathwatch beetles.

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