Thursday, October 01, 2009


When one practices meditation regularly one becomes increasingly aware of how external factors can affect one's emotions and as a result, one's thoughts and peace of mind.

It's spring in Australia, a time when many people begin experiencing noticeable feelings of anger and frustration, as the liver energy within the body awakens and begins detoxification.

Spring is the wood element in the Five Element Cycle of TCM. It is a period of new growth and change, of the yang energy in nature beginning its upward surge after being dormant during the winter months. If one understands that anger & frustration are a natural process of spring, one can begin to relax and develop a right understanding of these energies.

I found this insightful video from Vietnamese Theravadin master, Thich Nhat Hanh, speaking lucidly about holding one's anger in a tender way, "like a mother towards a child", and using one's mindfulness and compassion to transform this energy.

Just click this link.

Om Svasti Astu

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